Healthcare in the world’s most developed country US, someone asked me is it cost-effective? You know the answer, no; it is one of the most expensive commodity in the US. US ranks 1st when it comes to per patient spending, yet the World Health Report 2000, Health Systems: Improving Performance, ranked US health care system 37th in the world when gauged on the parameter of patient outcomes. This rising healthcare costs with poor patient outcomes proves the theory that “more money does not guarantee better health.”
Healthcare over the last 2 decades has evolved and transformed itself from been “simple, ineffective and safe to complex, effective and potentially hazardous ecosystem.” As technology advances, new trends and challenges are apparent. Rapidly changing relations between the care providers and patients demand more transparency and access to quality care.
An aging population and rising life expectancy, reaching a staggering high of 80 million adults by 2040. And a shortage of nearly 120k primary and specialty care physicians by 2032, this is going to add a lot of stress on healthcare providers. Patients, on the other hand, are still facing challenges like long wait times, rising costs, and poor healthcare experience. An eye-opener, right?
Healthcare DNA, like humans, is made of two strands, one strand is the patient, and another strand is the physician. While patient-centric solutions are the need of the hour, physicians focused solutions will help to maintain the balance.
Healthcare data doubles every 75 days. With so much data, can we add some automation and bring efficiency in care delivery and cost of care? Yes, with emerging technologies like AI, Blockchain, Smart devices, Cloud architecture, the industry is getting ready for the moon shot. Absolutely, the future is optimistic!
Assume if your clinic or hospital has a solution that is built to integrate with clinician workflow. A virtual assistant, which is available to assist the physician with his/her daily tasks. A virtual assistant who can connect to your patient population, listen to them when they are ill, creates a visit note, update the physician with preliminary diagnosis, and enable virtual consultation between patient and physician. Wouldn’t that be a blessing to your practice! Yes, this is a reality with solutions like Doxiva, welcome to the world of cognitive era.
At Doxiva, we focus on ameliorating 3 most pressing issues of today’s healthcare, i.e., access to care, physician burnout, and cost of care. Our goal is to ensure the physicians focus on the valuable work of patient care while using technology to offload unnecessary administrative tasks.
Let us combat the challenges together and shape the future of healthcare wisely.
Doxiva is exhibiting at HIMSS20 in Orlando, Florida, from March 9th to 13th. We mainly choose this event due to 3 main reasons:
- It’s the largest healthcare event in North America with 45k attendees and 1300+exhibitors
- Right target audiences, decision-makers, and investors
- Best networking and a stage to showcase the innovation
For digital health innovative start-ups like us, the timing of the conference is also right. Q1 of the financial year, when the enterprises have budget and strategies defined for new technology adoption. 5 days of action-packed event, if capitalized in the right way, could act as a catalyst in the growth of your company.
See you at HIMSS20! The healthcare mega event, entering its 20th year. Join us in Orlando!